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Black Chips

This Page is designed to make everyone AWARE of the Dangers of the Internet, as it pertains to your "Privacy, Security & Freedom" in this Digital Age.  Please read my "commentary" at the bottom of this page.

New technologies are radically advancing our freedoms, but they are also enabling unparalleled invasions of privacy. National and international laws have yet to catch up with the evolving need for privacy that comes with new digital technologies. Respect for individuals' autonomy, anonymous speech, and the right to free association must be balanced against legitimate concerns like law enforcement.

EFF fights in the courts and Congress to maintain your privacy rights in the digital world, and works with partners around the globe to support the development of privacy-protecting technologies - Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)


​Your Internet service provider’s (ISP) ability to not only spy on you, but to PROFIT on that spying, has been upheld by the FCC. Ajit Pai, President Trump’s pick for the new FCC Chairman has made it clear that he is going to overturn wide-reaching data security and privacy order that the FCC had originally agreed upon back in October of 2016 under Tom Wheeler. The privacy order, which would have come into effect by December 4, 2017, would have forced large ISPs, such as AT&T, to get user consent before selling personal information such as web browsing history, to third party advertisers. The data security order, which would have come into effect by March 2nd, 2017, would have forced phone companies and ISPs to take steps to protect any sensitive user information such as social security number or health information.

The nature of the ISPs position, sitting as the man in the middle for all of your internet traffic, means that they know everything about you. The incoming changes under the new FCC will completely remove those privacy protections away from consumers wherever they use the Internet, and allow ISPs to profit on your web browsing history and personal information.

Specifically, the privacy order prevented ISPs from sharing personal information (web browsing data and other private information) without expressly getting user consent.

​Your ISP doesn’t want you to have privacy;  they profit off of selling your personal information.  The ISPs have been lobbying to remove these rules for one simple reason: so that they can profit from selling your web browsing history !!​


​We live in a completely "Digital World", from Social Media, Email, Messaging/Texting, to Online Businesses, almost everyone on Earth uses the Internet. I believe EVERYONE EVERYWHERE should have access to a FREE, OPEN & SECURE Internet, the way it was intended to be used! If you understand and care enough about YOUR PERSONAL PRIVACY, then TAKE CHARGE of your "Right to Privacy" and challenge the Massive "Surveillance State", that we currently live in.

Explain to others, the impact of the "NSA Revelations", by Whistleblower Edward Snowden. Just do a google search and read all of the nefarious dealings of our own Government, who "operate with impunity" in regards to "keeping tabs" on ALL of its citizens, under the guise of "Protecting us from Terrorism"!!

We should NOT allow the violation of our "Civil Liberties" and "Right to Privacy" to be continuously "eroded" by those in power, who seek to control the Internet and everyone who uses it!


Thank you,

Tony Tek

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